My life is impacted daily by godly women. I am the result of being raised by a very biblical, godly mother. I am thankful for my wife of 22 years and her example as a mother and a pastor’s wife. And I do not know what my church would do without the incredible women on our staff and in leadership.
There is no denying the impact women have in this world, and I see how women face tremendous battles. They are tired. They face a lot of strain and tension. They desire to be everything God wants them to be, yet we live in a world where social media creates unrealistic images and expectations of what a woman’s home should look like, how her children should behave, and what her marriage should always be. This is why it is so important to encourage women with biblical truth. Women are the most powerful personality in our homes. They are the hub at the wheel. The heart of the family. The fire in the fireplace. And when a woman chases after God, the implications for her entire family become generational.
I recently had a conversation with Dr. Venessa Ellen, one of the incredible women that spoke at the Upstate Women’s Conference. Here is a little of the wisdom Dr. Ellen had to share when I asked her what some of the snares are that Christian women are falling into in our current culture:
“I think the first one is comparison. It’s Psalm 73. You know, I looked around, and they’re fat and happy in their sins. But what about me, Lord? Why is my life not like that lady’s across the street? I’ve wanted kids all my life. She’s got five, and she doesn’t even take care of them. I’ve wanted a husband. She’s got a husband that she’s not even faithful to. So, comparison would be my first one.
Another would be our sorrows. The last three years of our lives have dealt us some serious sorrows…
There can also be a lack of trust in God’s sovereignty. That’s a hurdle that trips us up each and every time, trying to answer the why. ‘Why, God? Why are You either not allowing this or why are You allowing this in my life?’
And I think the other one that I see a lot for women these days is consuming from every well. What do I mean by that? They may listen to their pastor preaching sound words and doctrine at church, but then they go home and listen to some preacher on YouTube and he says absolutely nothing close to what the Word says. And they pick it up, they eat it, and then before you know it, you’ve got double-minded, unstable women running around the church. We eat at the wrong well. It’s okay if you want to snack on something that’s truthful here and there. I have a social media ministry. But I tell women all of the time, this is a snack. It is not your meal. It’s a snack.”
You can listen to our full conversation here on the Living Worthy Ministries Podcast and pass it along to the women in your life.
About Dr. Venessa Ellen
A native of Beaumont, Texas, Dr. Venessa Ellen surrendered her life to Christ and to His call to serve His Kingdom in the 90’s.
Dr. Ellen holds the following degrees: M.A. in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s College, M.A. in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Church Administration and Women’s Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
She serves as the Chair and Professor of Women’s Ministry and Program Coordinator at the College of Biblical Studies where she teaches, counsels, trains and mentors women.
For more than 21 years, Dr. Ellen has communicated her burden for the women of God in conferences, seminars, bible studies and retreats. She has utilized her gifts and talents in the areas of teaching, counseling, training and mentoring women. More specifically, she has taught, counseled and trained women in the areas of praying, worshipping, fasting, confessing and repenting of sin, renewing the mind, studying applying the Bible to their personal lives, managing their time, resolving conflict biblically, relating to one another as God has designed, and honoring, respecting and submitting to God given authorities.
Dr. Ellen loves to read Christian fiction, ride horseback, fly kites, sleep and spend quiet time walking on the beach with her husband, who is also her best friend and pastor, Nicolas. She and her husband reside in Texas and are the proud parents of two very lovely daughters and have four handsome grandsons.